[知乎答题] 为什么马来群岛没形成过大一统的国家?
[AAS Annual Conference 2018] Beyond Borders: Global Perspectives on Early Communist Movements in the
This panel seeks out global perspectives on the history of the early communist movements in the Malay world, encompassing Indonesia, Singapo
[Conference] Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference In Modern Chinese Humanities
Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference In Modern Chinese Humanities DETAILS WHEN: Saturday, April 18, 2015. 09:00 AM WHERE:...
[Conference] The 6th Asian Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies
The 6th Asian Graduate Forum is a three-day workshop for graduate students who work on Southeast Asia. Held toward the end of the Asian Rese
Review of “And the Rain My Drink” by Han Suyin
And the Rain My Drink is a novel written by Eurasian female writer Han Suyin when she was married to Leon F. Comber, a British officer who w
Trust, Love, and Betrayal: An Analysis of Johnny’s Relationships with Other Major Characters in The
Characters in The Harmony Silk Factory are complex. Protagonist Johnny is not only Jasper’s vicious father, Snow’s indifferent husband, and
Somewhere in Between: Character Analysis of Ellen in Joss and Gold
Ellen is not a protagonist in Joss and Gold, but she does play a very crucial role as the story unfolds. Without a doubt, Shirley Geok-Lin L
吉隆坡: 半壁保守,半壁光鲜
曾经,好莱坞电影《偷天陷阱》的上映让惊艳的吉隆坡双子塔名声大噪。肖恩·康纳利与凯瑟琳·泽塔琼斯激情演绎的忘年恋情给不少人留下了难以磨灭 的印象,也让更多人记住了吉隆坡这座浪漫的热带都市。从来没有到过吉隆坡的人多把双子塔看作是城市的象征,正如埃菲尔铁塔之于巴黎,自由女神像之于纽约;
恋恋三岛: 爱上大马的纯净自然
锡矿开采留给吉隆坡的不仅仅是辉煌的记忆,也有难以抹去的伤痕———伴随着锡矿的开采,土地不断下陷,形成了一个个大小不一的城中凹地。加之 热带冗余雨水的不断冲刷,吉隆坡那些废弃的矿区逐渐变成了外形丑陋的废矿湖。一方面,城市的扩张需要使用大量的土地;另一方面,废矿湖的存在却让 开发者们