[Conference] Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference In Modern Chinese Humanities

Saturday, April 18, 2015. 09:00 AM
Lathrop East Asia Library, Room 224, 518 Memorial Way
Center for East Asian Studies; UC Berkeley Center for Chinese Studies
FRIDAY, APRIL 17 2:30 - 4:30PM | Negotiating Boundaries and Life on the Margins Matthew Berry, University of California, Berkeley, "Creating National Memories of Sacrifice: A Critical Evaluation of A History of Vietnam’s Martyrs" Wenyuan Shao, Ohio State University, "Writing Proverbs for Life: Resilience of Indigenous Resource in Aku Wuwu’s Micro-blog Series "Fragmental Thoughts on Labu Ezhuo" Sarah Veeck, University of California, Santa Barbara, "Money, Merit, and Chinese Values: Economic Rationalities and Buddhist Charity in Xiamen, Fujian" Kankan Xie, University of California, Berkeley, "Ambivalent Fatherland: the Chinese National Salvation Movement in Malaya and Java, 1937-1941" Discussants: Caleb Ford, University of California, Berkeley Thomas Mullaney, Stanford University
4:45 - 6:00 | Keynote Theodore Huters, Research Centre for Translation, CUHK "A Whole Month of Hesitation": Further Thoughts on Yan Fu and His Translations"
SATURDAY, APRIL 18 9:00 - 11:00AM | Performing Politics on Stage and Screen Meili Inouye, Stanford University, "Naturalizing National Unity through History, Policy, and Discourse in Cao Yu’s The Consort of Peace (1966)" Jiacheng Liu, Carnegie Mellon University, "Beijing’s New Actresses and the Early Republican Morality: Patrons, Police and Press and Women’s Negotiation of Public and Private" Anne Rebull, University of Chicago, "Writing Performance: Shanghai Traditional Theater Criticism at Liberation" Chenshu Zhou, Stanford University, "The Chatty Film Projectionists and the Art of Showing Films in the Mao Era" Discussant: Alexander Cook, University of California, Berkeley Hangping Xu, Stanford University
11:15 - 12:30 | Alumni Keynote Kristina Kleutghen, Assistant Professor of Art History and Archaeology, Washington University in St. Louis, "Imports and Imitations: Collecting Japanese Exotica at the High Qing Court"
1:30 - 3:00 | Detritus and the Modern City Cara Healey, University of California, Santa Barbara, "Echoes of May Fourth Literature in Chinese Cyberpunk" Jeremy Tai, University of California, Santa Cruz, "Streets of Sin: Famine, Fashion, and Fascism in 1930s Xi’an" Shunyuan Zhang, Emory University, "Debris and Desire: Negotiating Erotic Spaces in Kunming, China" Discussants: Koji Hirata, Stanford University Andrew Jones, University of California, Berkeley
3:15 - 4:45 | Historicizing Pain and the Gendered Experience Daniela Licandro, University of Chicago, "Instantiations of Jiantao: Yang Mo’s Diaries (1945-1982)" Stephanie Montgomery, University of California, Santa Cruz, "Gender, Criminality, and the Prison in China, 1928-1953" Luwei Yang, Washington University in St. Louis, "Painless and enjoyable childbirth: the campaign of Psycho-prophylactic method of delivery in 1950s China" Discussants: Laurence Coderre, University of California, Berkeley Haiyan Lee, Stanford University
Ambivalent Fatherland: the Chinese National Salvation Movement in Malaya and Java, 1937-1941
Abstract :
China’s resistance against Japanese invasion escalated into a full-scale war after the “Marco Polo Bridge Incident” in 1937. Nevertheless, the continuously deteriorating situation stimulated the rise of Chinese nationalism in the overseas Chinese community worldwide. This trend was particularly visible in British-controlled Malaya and the Dutch-controlled Java, two main destinations for Chinese emigration for centuries. The Japanese invasion in China, accompanied with the emergence of the National Salvation Movement in Southeast Asia, provided the overseas Chinese with a rear opportunity to re-examine their “Chineseness”, as well as their relationships to the collapsing colonial regimes and the increasingly self-aware indigenous population. The Movement boosted the unprecedented enthusiasm of the overseas Chinese to participate in the domestic politics of their ancestral homeland, in the meantime, however, the shifting political landscape in each colony also significantly shaped the ways in which they reacted to the development of the event. By using primary and secondary sources such as memorial essays, memoirs, newspapers and archival materials concerning the National Salvation Movement in Malaya and Java, this paper attempts to investigate the differing roles that the overseas Chinese played responding to the Japanese invasion in China. I try to problematize traditional approaches that tend to make generalizations by treating the overseas Chinese as a monolithic group and regarding the Movement as purely driven by Chinese patriotism. To study the individuals, groups, and events by juxtaposing Malaya and Java at the same historical moment, I argue that other than the complex nature of the Chinese community itself, the emergence of the Chinese National Salvation Movement—as a direct result of the rise of Chinese nationalism—was also profoundly affected by local politics and the changing relationships of the overseas Chinese to their ethnic homeland and the host colonial regimes.