Dissertation/Book Project
Scholars have carefully studied the history of Indonesian communism from its inception in 1914 to its destruction after 1965 with a noticeable exception between 1927 and 1945. The justification is simple—the Dutch authorities crushed the Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI) completely after its unsuccessful revolts in 1927 and exercised tight political control in the remainder of the Dutch colonial period. Communism also played an insignificant role under the Japanese occupation due to the effective military suppression of clandestine activities. Historians commonly describe Indonesian communism during this period as generating lasting impact on Indonesian politics by providing a useful ideological weapon for carrying on anti-colonial struggles, but it lost its organizational significance as a cohesive force to mobilize the masses and gather them under the common political banner. Such claims are problematic for two main reasons: First, historical writings concerning Indonesia’s wide array of anti-colonial struggles, communism included, have been mostly following a nation-state-based paradigm; The second is that current scholarship tends to equate the history of Indonesian communism to the history of the communist party (PKI).
Entitled “Estranged Comrades: Global Networks of Indonesian Communism, 1926-1932," my doctoral dissertation examines Indonesia’s ongoing communist movement beyond the colonial borders after the 1926/27 PKI revolts by focusing on its global connections. I argue despite the party’s collapse in the aftermath of the uprisings, Indonesian communism persisted internationally in three “worlds” of global networks, namely international fugitive networks, the international policing networks, and networks of the Comintern-dominated international communism. Specifically, the movement continued in the fragmented fugitive networks; yet, these groups took drastically different directions due to the split of the party leadership. Additionally, Indonesian communism existed as an existential threat throughout the remainder of the colonial period and loomed large in the world of international policing. Moreover, Indonesian communism remained marginal in the world of international communist revolution, but those stayed close with the course of the Comintern gained the authority in shaping the narratives concerning the PKI’s failure in the 1920s, which served as an essential source of legitimacy for reclaiming the party leadership in the 1940s.
My research project has taken me to various libraries and archives across Indonesia, Singapore, and the Netherlands from 2015 to 2017. In the course of my study, I am very fortunate to have received generous support from the Department of South & Southeast Asian Studies, Dutch Studies Program, Institute of International Studies, Center for Chinese Studies and Center for Race and Gender at UC-Berkeley. I also held the Lee Kong Chian Research Fellowship at the National Library of Singapore from 2016 to 2017; as well as the Brill Fellowship at the Leiden University Library and Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) in 2017. The project is ongoing and I hope to eventually develop it into a book manuscript.
Transparency for Development (T4D)
Since 2015, I have been working for the Transparency for Development (T4D) project, a joint initiative by Harvard Kennedy School and the Results for Development Institute. We asked: Instead of being passive service receivers, can citizens hold their governments and other care providers accountable for delivering better services? How to empower communities to engage in transparency and accountability (T/A) activities to improve health, education, and other development outcomes? With a particular focus on maternal and newborn health (MNH), the T4D project seeks to investigate whether community-led T/A interventions can improve the outcomes of public services.
As one of the two project ethnographers in Indonesia, my job was to study the mechanisms and contexts of the T4D intervention and how it affected the local communities. Between 2015 and 2016, I conducted intensive field research in three low-income villages in South Sulawesi, an area far removed from the country's economic centers. On top of the case studies, I also compare my result with other ethnographers' work in Indonesia and Tanzania. We hope to unearth the important factors that influence how citizens experience, and react to, participatory development programs in distinct local contexts.
Having completed our fieldwork, we are working on a book that seeks to reflect on a number of critical issues surrounding ethnographic study and international development.
Academic Papers
English articles:
Xie, Kankan. " Partai Republik Indonesia: Communist exiles and their noncommunist approaches to anticolonialism." In Experiments with Marxism-Leninism in Cold War Southeast Asia, edited by Matthew Galway and Marc H. Opper, 165-96. Canberra: The Australian National University (ANU) Press, 2022. DOI: 10.22459/EMLCWSA.2022.05.
Xie, Kankan. “Symptoms of Imperial Paranoia: Colonial Policing, Imprisonment, and Exile from a Southeast Asian Perspective.” The Foundation for Law and International Affairs Review (FLIA Review) 3, no. 1 (2022): 54-7.
Xie, Kankan. “Ambivalent fatherland: The Chinese National Salvation Movement in Malaya and Java, 1937–41.” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 52, no. 4 (2021): 677-700. DOI: 10.1017/S0022463421000989.
Xie, Kankan. "Harnessing Nationalism: Competition in Chinese Education in the Late-Colonial Dutch East Indies." In Empire Competition: Southeast Asia as a Site of Imperial Contestation, edited by Amy Freedman and Joseph Tse Hei-Lee, 109-31. New York: Pace University Press, 2021.
Kankan, Xie. "(Un)Preparing a Revolution: The Comintern in the Prelude to the 1926–1927 Uprisings in Indonesia." In The Russian Revolution in Asia: From Baku to Batavia, edited by S. Dullin, É. Forestier-Peyrat, Y.R. Lin and N. Shimazu, 122-37. London: Routledge, 2021. DOI: 10.4324/9780429352195-10.
Xie, Kankan. “Experiencing Southeast Asian Studies in China: A Reverse Culture Shock.” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 52, no. 2 (2021): 170-187. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022463421000473.
Xie, Kankan. "Various Forms of Chineseness in the Origins of Southeast Asian Communism." In Left Transnationalism: The Communist International and the National, Colonial, and Racial Questions, edited by Oleksa Drachewych and Ian McKay. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020, 286-314. DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvt6rn2c.16
Xie, Kankan. “Encountering Communism in a Cosmopolitan City: The Ducroux Case in the Eyes of the Singapore Press,” Berita: The Official Publication of the Malaysia/Singapore/Brunei Studies Group, Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Winter 2018/19, 16-21.
Xie, Kankan. “The Netherlands East Indies 1926 Communist Revolt Revisited: New Discoveries from Singapore’s Digital Newspaper Archives.” Chapters on Asia. Singapore: National Library Board, 2018, 267-294.
Xie, Kankan. “Beyond Ideology: China-Indonesia Engagement and the Making of the Guided Democracy, 1955-1959 ,” Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences and Humanities (JISSH), Vol. 6, Issue 1, (2016): 25–38.
Xie, Kankan. “Harnessing Nationalism: Chinese Education in the Late-Colonial Dutch East Indies, 1900-1942.” Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Chinese Indonesian Studies (ICCIS), Jakarta: Tarumanagara University, 2016, 241-252.
Xie, Kankan, “How Does Ethnicity Affect Current China-Malaysia Relations?” Berkeley Student Journal of Asian Studies (BSJAS), Vol. 3, (2013): 1-25.
Xie, Kankan. “Contesting Equality: A History of the Malayan People's Socialist Front.” M.A. thesis, Cornell University, 2012.
Chinese articles
谢侃侃. 印度洋作为反殖民场域: 去地域化视角下的印度尼西亚民族解放运动”[J][The Indian Ocean as Space for Anti-Colonialism: Indonesian Nationalism in De-Territorialized Perspectives]. 海洋史研究 [Studies of Maritime History], Vol. 18, (2022): 399-414.
谢侃侃. 深耕与跨界:本尼迪克特·安德森和他的“椰壳碗之战”[J][Delving and Border-Crossing: Benedict Anderson and His Struggles Against Six “Coconut Half-Shells”]. 亚非研究 [Journal of Asian and African Studies], Vol. 16, (2021): 120-135
谢侃侃. 英属马来亚与荷属东印度群岛华人抗日救亡运动比较研究(1937—1942)[J][The Chinese National Salvation Movement: A Comparative Study of British Malaya and the Dutch East Indies, 1937-1942]. 南洋问题研究 [Southeast Asian Affairs], Issue 3, (2021): 96-104.
谢侃侃. 战前东南亚共产主义运动中的“中国性”与“华人性”问题——以印马越泰为例[J][Conceptualizing“Chineseness” in Southeast Asian Communist Movements during the Interwar Period: Indonesia, Malaya, Vietnam, and Thailand in Comparative Perspectives]. 东南亚研究[Southeast Asian Studies], Issue 6, (2019): 130-151.
谢侃侃. 印尼青年一代的中国观调查[J][Indonesian Young Generation’s Perception of China]. 东南亚(现 东南亚与南亚研究)[Southeast Asia, currently known as Southeast Asian & South Asian Studies], 2008(Z2): 67-74.
Book reviews:
Xie, Kankan. Review of Inventing the English Massacre: Amboyna in History and Memory, by Alison Games, Journal of Military History (JMH), Vol. 86, Issue. 1 (2022): 171–73.
Xie, Kankan. Review of Subversive Seas: Anticolonial Networks across the Twentieth- Century Dutch Empire, by Kris Alexanderson, Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia (BKI), Vol. 176, Issue 2-3, (2020): 405-407. DOI:10.1163/22134379-17601004
Xie, Kankan. Review of The Special Operations Executive in Malaya: World War II and the Path to Independence, by Rebecca Kenneison, Journal of British Studies, Vol. 59, no. 2 (2020): 449–51. doi:10.1017/jbr.2019.279.
Xie, Kankan. Review of The Killing Season: A History of the Indonesian Massacres, 1965-66, by Geoffrey Robinson, Newbooks Asia, 2019
Xie, Kankan. Review of The Men Who Lost Singapore, 1938-1942, by Ronald McCrum, Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia (BKI), Vol. 174, Issue 1, (2018): 36-37.
Work in progress:
Xie, Kankan. “Estranged Comrades: Communism, Identity Politics and Interwoven Networks of the Late Colonial Malay World, 1927-1942.” Based on Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, December 2018.
(With Stephen Kosack, et al.) Experiencing Participation: Community-based Healthcare Intervention in Indonesia and Tanzania.
* Book project of the Transparency for Development (T4D) project, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Harvard Kennedy School.
Yu, Yiming; Xie, Kankan. Southeast Asian Studies in China: Interview with Dr. Xie Kankan, Peking University. Center for Global Asia, NYU Shanghai, 2022.
“印尼的行政区划和地方政府架构”[M][Administrative Division and Local Government Structure in Indonesia]. 城市中国 [Urban China], Vol. 87, (2020): 66-69. (in Chinese)
“讲座︱互动与皈依:东南亚华⼈信仰体系构建”[Lecture: Interaction and Conversion: Three Historical Moments in the Making of the Overseas Chinese Belief System in Southeast Asia], 澎湃新闻 [http://thepaper.cn/], 18 January 2020 (in Chinese)
“讲座︱去殖民、民族国家、冷战及东南亚威权主义的崛起”[Lecture: Decolonization, Nation-states, and the Rise of Southeast Asian Authoritarianism], 澎湃新闻 [http://thepaper.cn/], 10 December 2019 (in Chinese)
“本尼迪克特·安德森和他所经历的东南亚研究” [Benedict Anderson and his Southeast Asian Studies], 界面新闻·文化 [Jiemian.com], 15 September 2018 (in Chinese)
“Gordon wist precies wat hij deed tegen Xiao Wang” [Gordon knew exactly what he did to Xiao Wang], de Volkskrant, 28 November 2013 (in Dutch)
“苏禄王朝末代皇帝挑起菲律宾与马来西亚冲突“ [Sulu Sultan Provoked the Philippines-Malaysia Conflict], Global Times [环球时报], 8 March 2013 (in Chinese)
“浪静风恬明古鲁” [The Tranquil Spray in Bengkulu], Global Times [环球时报], 5 July 2010 (in Chinese)
“吉隆坡:半壁保守,半壁光鲜” [Kuala Lumpur—Half Conservativeness, Half Shininess], Global Times [环球时报], 26 April 2010, (in Chinese)
“让人心醉的爪哇之美” [Glamorous Java], International Herald Leader [国际先驱导报], 16 April 2009 (in Chinese)
“巴厘岛的狗” [Dogs in Bali], International Herald Leader [国际先驱导报], 28 May 2009 (in Chinese)
“废矿湖上的奇迹” [The Miracle on The Tin-Mining Lake], Global Times [环球时报], 28 July 2009 (in Chinese)
“恋恋三岛: 爱上大马的纯净自然” [Three Pearls off The Coast of Malay Peninsula], Global Times [环球时报], 4 Aug 2009 (in Chinese)
“苏岛雨林梦“ [Jungle Dream in Sumatera], Global Time [环球时报], 4 Aug 2009 (in Chinese)
Presentations, Workshops and Conferences
Workshop on the Natural History of Destruction: Asia's Long World War II, 10/5/2018, Columbia University, New York, NY, US
The Millennium-NUS Theory Symposium: The Cold War in Asia, 7/23/2018, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference 2018, 3/23/2018, Washington, DC, US
Invited talk at the Nanyang Research Institute, 11/22/2017, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
The Asian Arc of the Russian Revolution Conference, 11/16/2017, Yale-NUS College, Singapore
Workshop on the Comintern and the National, Colonial and Racial Questions, 9/21/2017, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
Invited talk at the Leiden Southeast Asia Seminar Series, 8/10/2017, KITLV, Leiden, the Netherlands
Lee Kong Chian Research Fellowship 2017 Professional Sharing Session, 3/1/2017, National Library, Singapore
Lee Kong Chian Research Fellowship 2017 Public Sharing Session, 2/17/2017, National Library, Singapore
Convention of the Chinese Community of Political Science and International Studies (CCPSIS), 7/19/2016, Beijing, China
The 11th Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies, 7/13/2016, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
The 3rd International Conference on Chinese Indonesian Studies, 3/17/2016, Tarumanagara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
UC Graduate Student Workshop for Southeast Asian Studies, 4/24/2015, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, US
Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference in Modern Chinese Humanities, 4/17/2015, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, US
"Identity in the Making" Graduate Conference in Dutch Studies, 12/3/2014, UC-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, US (Organizer)
International Conference on Malay Studies, 6/1/2014, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China
The 16th Annual Southeast Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference, 3/1/2014, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, US
Graduate Colloquium on Indonesian History, 7/10/2013, Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands
“Asia in Transition”—the 2013 UW/UBC Graduate Asian Studies Conference, 4/12/2013, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, US
Berkeley Student Journal of Asian Studies (BSJAS) Annual Symposium, 4/4/2013, UC-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, US
“SEA Change” Conference on Southeast Asian Studies, 3/9/2013, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, US
The 6th Asian Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies, 7/14/2011, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
The 6th Biannual Northeast Conference on Indonesian Studies, 2/19/2011, Yale University, New Haven, CT, US
Research Experience
2017 Dissertation research under the joint fellowship (Brill) at KITLV and Leiden University Library, Netherlands
2016-17 Dissertation research under the Lee Kong Chian Research Fellowship at the National Library, Singapore
2016 Dissertation research under the John L. Simpson Memorial Research Fellowship in Jakarta, Surabaya & Medan, Indonesia
2015-16 Ethnographic research for the Transparency for Development (T4D) Project, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
2014 Archival research on the network of Asian radical intellectuals, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, Netherland
2013 Pre-dissertation fieldwork on Indonesian late-colonial history at KITLV, Leiden, Netherlands
2011 MA thesis fieldwork on Malayan left-wing movement at libraries, archives, and museums in KL & Penang, Malaysia
2011 Archival research on Indonesian Chinese communities during the early-independence era, Jakarta & Surabaya, Indonesia
2010 BA thesis archival research on the Anti-Japanese Struggles of Nanyang Volunteer at Yunnan Provincial Archive, China
2010 Kinship Systems of the Javanese Immigrant: A Case Study of Kampung Ampangan, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
2009 Minangkabau Matrilineal System (Adat Perpatih) Kampung Beranang, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
2009 State-driven Development Programs (MARA) for Malaysian Bumiputera Communities, Malaysia
2008 Sustainable Development in Poverty-Stricken Areas: A Case Study of a Sundanese Plantation, West Java, Indonesia