Tanggapan terhadap “Mengapa Orang Tertawa pada Humor yang Menjijikkan”
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Review of “And the Rain My Drink” by Han Suyin
And the Rain My Drink is a novel written by Eurasian female writer Han Suyin when she was married to Leon F. Comber, a British officer who w

Trust, Love, and Betrayal: An Analysis of Johnny’s Relationships with Other Major Characters in The
Characters in The Harmony Silk Factory are complex. Protagonist Johnny is not only Jasper’s vicious father, Snow’s indifferent husband, and

Somewhere in Between: Character Analysis of Ellen in Joss and Gold
Ellen is not a protagonist in Joss and Gold, but she does play a very crucial role as the story unfolds. Without a doubt, Shirley Geok-Lin L

Rethink on the Mixed Identity: Individual Destiny as National Allegory of Late-colonial and Postcolo
Pramoedya Ananta Toer, as a prominent writer who used to be imprisoned for decades for political reasons, unsurprisingly demonstrated his st